
Creamy rice noodle salad with pan-fried mushrooms

Things have gone so far, that I've made this salad almost every day for the past month. I'm not kidding. Another day passes and I find myself chopping the cabbage and boiling the rice noodles. I just love how universal this salad is. Sometimes I add chickpeas or some curry powder or a dash of Tabasco or nutritional yeast or cucumbers. It's fabulous every time! This is the base recipe that you can modify to your own needs. But even the original is so good. Creamy, super juicy, crunchy and filling.

You can use different cabbages or lettuces in this salad or even combine them. This spring I've bought some really good looking green Chinese cabbages, so I've used mostly them. But iceberg or lettuce or spinach or other greens work perfectly well too. In addition to the green stuff, this hearty salad has tomatoes, rice noodles, vegan cooking cream (I used oat cream), balsamic vinegar, salt and pan-fried mushrooms. A ridiculously easy recipe that is ready in 10 minutes and goes so well with these hot summer days.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Serves: 4 - 6 people

  • 4,4 oz / 125 g rice noodles (uncooked)
  • 6 cups / 350 - 400 g chopped Chinese cabbage or other greens
  • 3 bigger tomatoes
  • ½ cup / 120 ml vegan cooking cream or vegan mayonnaise or homemade vegan cream
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt

Pan-fried mushrooms:
  • 4 cups / 250 g sliced big white mushrooms or other edible mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp paprika powder

Also recommend adding: chickpeas, nutritional yeast, little bit of curry powder, a dash of Tabasco, sliced cucumbers etc.


Boil the rice noodles until al dente. Drain and rinse with cold water. Set aside. Put the chopped Chinese cabbage into a large bowl and massage it for a little bit. Add tomato cubes, cream or mayo, balsamic vinegar and salt. Chop the rice noodles for a little bit. That way they will combine better with the rest of the salad. Add chopped rice noodles to the rest of the salad and mix carefully. Taste and add more salt if needed.

Slice the mushrooms. Heat up a pan and add oil. Add the mushrooms and salt. Cook and stir for a couple of minutes. Add paprika powder, stir and cook for another minute or two. Remove the heat.

Serve the salad with pan-fried mushrooms and enjoy!